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Welcome, Applicants!

Applications for the Class of 2027 are now closed.

The application period for the class of 2027 will end on November 30th, 2024. 

Completed applications received after November 30th will not be accepted. 

How to apply:

  1. Download the application packet here

  2. Read the requirements carefully and collect the required application materials. 

  3. Obtain a mentor from the current list of available mentors here

  4. You will be required to be a NAVTA member before application. You can apply here

  5. Pay the application fee here You must create an account on the website to access the fees tab. 

  6. Sign the extraction position statement here.

  7. Once you have your documents ready, fill out this google form

  8. At the end of the google form, you will be required to upload those documents via Windows or Mac.

  9. Pay close attention to the document format and how the documents should be named so the application evaluators can get through them efficiently. You may be contacted if there are missing parts of your application. Keep in mind that there may be numerous applications and the evaluators are volunteering their time. Please be patient while they work through them. 

You will be notified if your application was accepted via email. Questions in the meantime or status updates can be directed to

Thank you for your interest in the Academy of Veterinary Dental Technicians! We can't wait for your successful completion of your VTS (Dentistry). 

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