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Image by Aaron Burden


Article I. NAME

The association is known as the Academy of Veterinary Dental Technicians and shall be referred to in this document as the AVDT.


The AVDT shall be incorporated under the state of Arizona as a not for profit, educational organization, operated exclusively for the purposed specified 501(6) of the Internal Revenue Code.

The AVDT may exercise any and all power that a non-profit, non-stock corporation organized under the laws of the state of Arizona for these purposes is authorized to exercise.


The Academy of Veterinary Dental Technicians (AVDT) exists to promote excellence in the discipline of veterinary dentistry. The AVDT will provide a process by which credentialed veterinary technicians may become certified as a Veterinary Technician Specialist (VTS) in the field of dentistry. The veterinary technician who becomes certified as a VTS (Dentistry) will demonstrate superior knowledge of veterinary dentistry while promoting welfare for the companion animal. The AVDT will advance the skills of veterinary technicians within the discipline of dentistry through continuing education and journal articles.  The AVDT benefits the veterinarian, veterinary technician and companion animal caregiver.  The AVDT operates under the direct approval and guidance of National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA).


Section 1: Charter Membership

Veterinary technicians having qualifications in the specialty as outlined by the NAVTA Committee for Veterinary Technician Specialties (CVTS).  Charter status will be granted to organizing committee members, through a voting process of the organizing committee, at the time the AVDT is ready to administer the first examination.

Section 2: Active Membership

A veterinary technician of high ethical and moral character who has fulfilled the AVDT requirement for specialty recognition as specified in the Bylaws.

Section 3: Inactive Membership

A veterinary technician who has previously been granted Active Membership and has applied for Inactive status as specified in the AVDT Bylaws.

Section 4: Retired Membership

A veterinary technician who has petitioned the Board of Directors for permanent retirement as specified in the AVDT Bylaws.

Section 5: Life Membership

A veterinary technician who has achieved continual Active Membership for fifteen (15) consecutive years and met all requirements as specified in the AVDT Bylaws.

Section 6: Honorary Membership

Any member of the veterinary community who has made significant contributions to the advancement of the AVDT or veterinary dentistry for technicians.  These members have been granted Honorary Membership through the requirements and specifications in the AVDT Bylaws.


Section I: Structure

The Board of Directors (hereafter referred to as the BOD) shall be the executive body of the AVDT and shall consider first all business and policies pertaining to the affairs of the AVDT.  All offices shall be volunteer positions without payment for time, no excess funds of budgeted amounts shall be allocated for any officer.

Section II: Officers

The BOD shall consist of President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer and two (2) Members-at-Large. 

Section III: Elections and Appointments

All officers shall be nominated and elected by majority vote of the eligible voting Membership.  President Elect, President and Past President shall be inducted to office at the following year’s annual membership meeting (typically held during the Annual Veterinary Dental Forum).  Secretary, Treasurer and Members-at-Large shall be inducted to office during the day of election.

Section IV: Terms of Office

President, President-Elect and Past President shall have 2-year terms, with President-Elect automatically assuming President office and President automatically assuming Past President office at the completion of each office’s term.  Secretary, Treasurer and both Members-at-Large shall be 2-year terms.  These terms shall stand unless there is a majority vote by the BOD to amend that particular term.  Officers shall have no limit to the number of times he or she may service in all positions on the BOD.


Section 1: Annual Business Meeting

The AVDT shall hold an Annual Business Meeting at a time and place as announced by the BOD. 

Section 2: BOD Meetings

The BOD shall hold monthly meetings.

Section 3: Committee Meetings

Committee meetings shall be held and announced by the chair of each committee as the need is determined by the committee chair.


Section 1: Annual Business Meeting

The President shall announce the meeting location and time to the BOD.  The Secretary shall announce the Annual Business Meeting location and time ninety (90) days in advance for all membership.  The BOD shall be advised of the agenda no later than three (3) weeks prior to the meeting.  A quorum of sixty-six percent (66%) shall be required to conduct business.  Proxy votes will not be accepted.  The Secretary shall record accurate attendance and minutes of all meetings.  Meeting minutes should be distributed within thirty (30) days following each meeting.

Section 2: BOD Meetings

The BOD may meet through teleconference, internet media or in-person as selected by the BOD.  Meetings shall be private and for BOD only, through invitation of the President.  The Secretary shall record accurate attendance and minutes of all meetings.  Meeting minutes should be distributed to all BOD within thirty (30) days following each meeting.  A quorum of sixty-six percent (66%) shall be required to conduct business.

Section 3: Committee Meetings

Each committee chair shall be responsible for coordination of meeting frequency, location and time, unless otherwise determined by the BOD.  The committee chair is responsible for naming a member to record attendance and meeting minutes.  Committee chair is further responsible for distribution of minutes to all committee members and the BOD Secretary within thirty (30) days following each meeting.  A quorum of fifty percent (50%) of each committee is required to conduct business.

Article VII: Dissolution

The term for which the AVDT is organized shall be perpetual, however, if dissolution of the incorporation should occur, the AVDT shall distribute all of its remaining assets and property, after necessary expenses are paid, to the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America, or other organizations which shall qualify under the applicable section of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and the regulations as the same now exist or as they may be amended from time to time.


Proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted to the BOD for study ninety (90) days prior to distribution to the membership.  Proposed amendments shall be distributed to the entire membership with a recommendation by the BOD at least thirty (30) days prior to the counting of the ballots by eligible voting members.  An affirmative vote shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those who respond.

Amendment History

2006 Established


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