The Academy of Veterinary Dental Technicians is a group of men and women dedicated to advancing dentistry knowledge in clinics as well as instructing veterinary staff members at various conferences worldwide. AVDT members also have a vast knowledge base of dental diseases to help educate clients on the importance of oral health and explain potential doctor performed treatments. This interaction often brings the clients a certain amount of ease knowing their pet's dental disease is being treated by highly trained staff members. If you are interested in taking your dental knowledge to the next level and would like to join this elite group of veterinary techncians please consider starting this journey to dental excellence! Click the "Become Certified" Tab to find out more information on the application and credentialing process.

The CVTS has specific guidelines for each Veterinary Technician Specialist (VTS) discipline. Technicians interested in forming another VTS discipline obtain guidelines from NAVTA/CVTS to develop their specialty. The requirements include electing officers, writing a constitution and by-laws, creating a credentials packet, an exam, a delineation of study, and other unique documents for their proposed academy. Once approved by CVTS and NAVTA’s Board of Directors, the Board offers provisional approval and recognizes a new specialty academy. Full recognition for the academy will be given after the first qualifying exam is given and candidates pass the exam.
In October 2000, qualified, motivated technicians came together in Las Vegas to form a new academy in veterinary dentistry. The first Organizing Committee meeting was held at the Western Veterinary Conference in February 2001. Dr. Edward Eisner, DAVDC spearheaded the group of technicians as an advisor and mentor representing the American Veterinary Dental College (AVDC). An election was held, officers were elected, and the first committees were formed within the Organizing Committee. The Organizing Committee for the AVDT met monthly in electronic meetings in the VetMedTeam chat room. The Organizing Committee has met online and at each Annual Veterinary Dental Forums to successfully build the academy. Foundational financial support was provided by Hill’s Pet Nutrition and Pfizer Animal Health. The AVDT was granted provisional accreditation by CVTS in November of 2002 and earned full accreditation in 2007. There are currently 16 accredited VTS academies by CVTS.
The first candidates sat for the examination in Baltimore, Maryland, at the Animal Dental Training Center in June 2006. Five candidates passed all three portions of the examination and were then granted the status of VTS (Dentistry).
If you are interested in taking your dental knowledge to the next level and would like to join this elite group of Veterinary Technicians, please consider starting this journey to dental excellence! Visit our Become Certified Tab to find out more information on the application and credentialing process.
The AVDT wishes you the best of success!
Applications: application.avdt@gmail.com
Credentials (requirements): credentials.avdt@gmail.com
Mentorship: mentormentee.avdt@gmail.com
Exam: avdtexamchair@gmail.com
Public Relations: avdtwebpage@gmail.com
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